I am now in the process of writing a series of books about house churches.  I feel led of the Lord to write about my experiences in the house church ministry with the sincere desire to discern what the Lord would have me to learn so that others desiring to seek Him through a similar walk will profit from our successes and failures.


Would you please pray about filling out this brief questionnaire and mail it back to me at your earliest convenience in the post paid self addressed envelope.  There are no right or wrong answers and you are urged to be very honest and speak from your heart.  You do not have to give your name if you do not want to do so.  Your cooperation and contribution to this effort will be greatly appreciated.  God richly bless you is my prayer!  Dan Hubbell




1.  What is your understanding of what a house church is?





2. When did you begin your involvement in the house church?





3. Why did you choose to become a part of the house church?





4. What are the positive things that you experienced in the house church?





5. What are the negative things that you experienced in the house church?





6. In reflecting back over your house church experiences, what lessons did you learn that would help others in the future who might desire to be a part of a house church?





7.     Would you consider being a part of a house church again?  If so why?  If not why?



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