By Dan Hubbell


  1. Desire to seek the Lord.
  2. Lay down traditions.
  3. Word of God is the plumbline.
  4. The importance of brokenness and refining.
  5. Apply II Timothy 2:2.
  6. Jesus builds His Church.
  7. The presence and preeminence of Christ.
  8. The ekklesia.
  9. Church in its simplest form.
  10. Fellowship and unity of the church.
  11. God added to the church.
  12. Witnessing was primarily relational
  13. Churches grew by multiplication
  14. Need for church discipline.
  15. Churches were established in different ways.
  16. Foundational builders.
  17. Plurality of the continuing ongoing leadership.
  18. Deacons as servants of the church.
  19. Leaders as tentmakers.
  20. Giving in the early church.
  21. Training of leaders.
  22. Church of the city/town.
  23. Church gathered and scattered.
  24. Similarities and uniqueness of each church.
  25. Apostles’ doctrine.
  26. Balance in all teachings.
  27. Size of churches.
  28. House gatherings assembling together.
  29. The most common name for churches.
  30. The structure of the churches.
  31. A city/town church relating to one another city/town church.
  32. The unity of the whole Body of Christ
  33. The church and the kingdom
  34. Responding to persecution.

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