Luke 21:11 “In the last days there shall be pestilence’s (loimos a plague, pestilence)…” (i.e. Sars, Aids, Mad-cow, Bird-flu, etc.)


III John 2 “I pray above all things that thou mayest be in health even as

     thy soul (mind, will, emotions) prospereth.”




1.   Wash hands often and/or use hand disinfectants especially after using the toilet, before eating, after shaking hands, after handling money, after being in public places, etc.

2.   Don’t touch your eyes, mouth or nose with bare hands or fingers.

3.   Use tissue or handkerchief for wiping eyes, nose or mouth.

4.   Spit into containers or receptacles.

5.   Cover mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing; use honey & lemon for cough.

6.   Use gargle for mouth and throat; use salt, vinegar stirred in hot water for colds and spray or inhale into nose.

7.   Quarantine sick person to private area.

8.   Get eight hours of sleep per night; take short naps; don’t sleep immediately after eating to keep from putting on excess weight.

9.   Do at least thirty minutes of exercise per day; a brisk walk, walk stairs instead of taking escalator or elevator; avoid running to prevent knee damage.

10. Drink eight glasses of bottled water per day.

11. Take one aspirin per day for heart and blood pressure.

12. Learn CPR to assist choking person or heart attack victims.

13. If you are alone during a heart attack, take an aspirin and cough vigorously and deeply until help arrives.

14. Avoid drinking out of the same container.

15. Avoid all tobacco products.

16. Use moderation in drinking; use red grapes and red wine for health.

17. Avoid stress, worry, depression or anxiety.

18. Laughter is a good medicine for the immune system.

19. Keep teeth clean. (Heart disease preventative, etc.)

20. Dry ears after bathing to prevent ear aches and infections.

21. Clean private parts well daily to prevent rash and infections.

22. Maintain sexual purity.

23. Take bath and/or wash private parts of body daily.

24. Use lotion or oil on exposed skin.

25. Cover head when out in sun

26. Dress properly for all weather conditions, i.e. extra clothing (dark colors) during cold weather; light cotton clothing (light colors) during hot weather.

27. Change into clean clothes daily especially underwear.

28. Keep finger and toenails cleaned and trimmed.

29. Eat healthy foods from all food types: almonds, olives, prunes, peanuts, raisins, tomatoes, red grapes. apples, oranges, bananas, sunflower seed, fiber (colon health), baked fish, olive oil, fresh vegetables, dried fruits, etc.

30. Avoid animal greases(use vegetable oils, olive oil) in food preparation & drain all grease from food, avoid too much animal meat especially beef and port, trim fat from meat, stir fry or grill food; avoid sugar, caffeine and carbonated beverages.

31. Maintain healthy weight according to height and body build.

32. Maintain and live in clean surrounding and environment; especially eliminate all roaches and mosquitoes; avoid dust and fumes; clean dishes and cooking utensils and eating containers; drain standing water, ponds, etc.

33. Fast regularly for health and spiritual well being.


*NOTE: It is important to abide by these hygiene habits to maintain a healthy immune system since believers may not have ready access to health facilities and physicians.



© 2011 New Testament Church