How God Spoke in the Old Testament

  1. God spoke directly to Adam, Cain and Noah, Isaac and Jacob.

  2. God spoke through a rainbow to Noah.

  3. God spoke through an angel to Hagar.

  4. God spoke through dreams to Joseph.

  5. God spoke through a burning bush to Moses.

  6. God spoke through Urim and Thummim to the High Priests.

  7. God spoke through a small voice to Elijah.

  8. God spoke through a vision to Isaiah.

  9. God spoke through through oracles to Amos.

  10. God spoke through life experiences to Hosea, Jonah and Ezekiel.

  11. God spoke through symbals to Ezekiel.

  12. God spoke through sermons to Haggai.

  13. God spoke through mystical signs to Zechariah.

  14. God spoke through questions and answers to Malachi.

  15. God spoke to Adam in the garden of Eden.

  16. God spoke to Abram in Ur.

  17. God spoke to Isaac in Palestine.

  18. God spoke to Jacob in Haran.

  19. God spoke to Joseph in Egypt.

  20. God spoke to Moses in Midian.

  21. God spoke to Daniel in Babylon.

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