Jesus Example of Making Disciples


  1. Motioning – Matthew 4:18-25: Jesus, after a night of prayer, bidding and calling the 12 “to come be with Me”, discipled and built relationships in the context of 1) commitment, 2) relationship and 3) community.


  2. Maturing – Matthew 5-9: Jesus taught His disciples the truths and values of the Kingdom in the Sermon on the Mount and then modeled what it looked like in His life example.


  3. Mobilizing – Matthew 10: As the disciples matured in God's ways, Jesus sent them out to put into action what they had learned in 1) faith, 2) character, 3) values, 3) authority, 4) discipleship, 5) gifts, 6) wisdom and 7) persecution.


  4. Multiplying – Matthew 28:18-20: After walking with the disciples for a time, Jesus commissioned His disciples to replicate His example by “teaching them to obey what I've commanded you.”


Thus, both the Gospel Accounts and Acts show the following practical progression: 1) Jesus did it... 2) They observed... 3) Jesus did it, they helped... 4) They did it, Jesus coached... 5)They did it...Jesus left!


Discipleship then involves intimate replication. As we apply Jesus' simple principles and begin the discipleship process, challenging those learning from them to pray about who they too can begin to disciple, that is, those who are “simply one step ahead” of them...This is discipleship at work!


(NOTE: Also see II Timothy 2:2)